People can be very unkind to each other. It can be hard to know what to do. Help is here! Try the following exercise with your children and teenagers, and spouse, if needed.

Directions: Answer the following and discuss before watching TV, using the telephone, or other activity.

1. When I said: [inappropriate comment made]


I was (mark all that apply):

___ Blaming
___ Criticizing
___ Threatening
___ Accusing
___ Generalizing
___ Giving an order or command
___ Showing little concern of other’s needs
___ Showing unwillingness to compromise or find solutions
___ Insulting, name calling, mocking, being sarcastic
___ Other:_________________

2. When I said the above comment, I was probably feeling:

___ Tired
___ Rushed
___ Impatient
___ Annoyed
___ Angered
___ Other:_________________

3. When I said the above comment, others probably felt:

___ Angry
___ Hurt
___ Sad
___ Rejected
___ Scared
___ Frustrated
___ Shocked
___ Other:_________________

. . . and they are not likely to want to (check all that apply):

___ Do the following for me:


___ Help me with:


4. Instead of making the above comment, I could have said:


5. I would have been less likely to make the above comment if others had approached me by saying:


6. If others say I made the above comment and I deny it, the following are possible:

___ Being corrected makes me feel bad.
___ I have an evil twin.
___ I am not aware of my words and behaviour.
___ Others are wrong.
___ I am trying to avoid dealing with it.

7. When I don’t admit mistakes I make, others feel:

___ Frustrated
___ Angry
___ Confused
___ Distrustful
___ Other:__________________

8. When I admit mistakes, others feel:

___ Relieved
___ Trustful
___ Proud of me
___ Other:__________________