what's YOUR dream job?

I can't stand to do this job one more day!

AFTER 10 successful but unsatisfying years on the job, you may be wondering: "How do I pick up, find direction and move on to a satisfying career?"

OR you may know someone who really loves what they do for a living. It is no coincidence that you would probably describe them as having a successful career.

Have you ever wondered what their secret is?
The quick answer is "Career Fit", which is simply working in a field that you actually enjoy. Career fit certainly won't guarantee that you will love every minute of your workday, but being in the wrong career WILL ensure a lack of excitement, ugly Monday mornings, and that stuck-in-a-rut-can't-wait-until-the-weekend feeling.

Where do you FIT?
Most of us probably think we know where we fit, so why aren't we doing what we love? Although JVIS and CPPT can't answer this question for you, they can provide you with detailed information regarding your career interests and talents that will help you to answer it for yourself. The information may support what you already know and help make a tough career decision easier, or shed a big spotlight on a great opportunity you were not even aware of. It is well suited for people whose career path includes a four year university degree. It is also appropriate for individuals considering a mid-career change.

Make an informed decision
The Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS), the CareerPlanner Personality Tests (CPPT) and the Career Jump Start Coaching Hour (CJSC) can help you do this:

1. Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS) is the "Career Roadmap" which will help you determine the best career fit.

2. CareerPlanner Personality Test (CPPT) is the "Personality Blueprint" which will highlight your talents, skills, strenghts, weaknesses, interests and how they coincide with your career roadmap.

3. Jump Start Coaching Hour (JSCH) is the "Life Coach" who will guide you in the planning and implementing of the "Career Roadmap".

Instant Results
All you need to do is make a small investment and we will send an email to you with everything you need to take the JVIS and the CPPT at any time. Results are available in less than 24 hours upon completion.

Take the Career Jump Start Coaching Hour (CJSC).

If you know it's time for a career change, but you're unsure where to begin, the 1-Hour Career Jump Start Phone Session is for you. This one-on-one phone session guides you to make a change that fits your true career direction.

Once you know your true career direction, you’ll understand the work you really love to do. You’ll be able to confirm that you're about to head down the right path. You’ll also get the right advice on dealing with your current career situation. Just 1 hour of Career Coaching, over the phone, will bring clarity and confidence to your career direction.

Why Do People Use Our Tele-Coaching Career Counselling Service?
About 85% of our coaching clients are looking for better career direction. Some already have a direction in mind and they want to discuss it with an expert. Others know they want a change but are not sure where to begin.

About 15% of our coaching clients want to get advice and direction on dealing with people problems at work. Most often they want advice on dealing with a boss or coworker whose behaviour is somewhat destructive.

Who Uses Our Career Coaching Sessions?
About 60% of our clients have been working for at least a five years when they decide they really need a change, but most have been working for 15 to 30 years. As you might guess we see a lot of people as they approach ages 30, 40 and 55.

The Career Jump Start Coaching Hour helps you identify:

  • What happened to your career?
  • We'll identify the root cause of why your current career is no longer working for you.
  • What is it you really want to do?
  • How to create a clear vision of what you want accomplish
  • How to look at the big picture.
  • Where are you now?
  • And where are you headed?
  • What are the next steps you'll need to take to get moving in the right direction?
  • Should you use headhunters and recruiters?
  • Do you need to change jobs or just your boss?

How to Prepare for the Coaching Session?
Just follow these 4 easy steps:

  1. Before the session, please take our CareerPlanning Personality Test. Our personality test tells you what your 4 letter personality type is. It becomes your "Personality Blueprint" which will highlight your talents, skills, strengths, weaknesses, interests and how they coincide with your "Career Roadmap". It's also useful in diagnosing interpersonal relationship problems.
  2. Take our Jackson Vocation Interest Survey. We use this during the session. It shows us what type of work you are interested in and what work you will be passionate about.
  3. Send us your latest resume. This helps us understand what type of work you have done.
  4. Send us an email with just a few sentences describing what the problem is or what subjects you want to cover in your session.

How Long are the Coaching Sessions?
The most popular coaching session is our Jump Start Coaching Hour. We spend 15-20 minutes preparing before the call. We study results from your free personality test, the results from the Career Interest Test, your resume if you have sent it to us, and any emails you may have sent.

We don't watch the clock too closely. If the session needs to run a few minutes over, we let it, and there is no charge for the extra time.

We also offer 15 minute follow up sessions, but that's only after you have completed the first 1 hour session. These short follow-up calls allow you to clear up any questions you have and make sure you’re moving toward your new career goal. It’s a way for you to check-in and make sure you’re taking action.

So, How Do I Get Started...

  1. First place your order of choice.
  2. When we see the order come through we will email Your Test Access Information within 24hrs.
  3. Once the tests are completed we will email the reports.
  4. For the 1 Hour Career Jump Start Session, we will email to set a time for your session.
  5. At the time of the session we ask you to call us.

If you want to talk about whether Career Coaching is right for you, send us an email or call the phone number below. Please understand that we may not be able to answer when you call but we will return your call within 24 hours.

Call (905) 944-1711 or Email me
and make an appointment. I look forward to meeting you!

Career Coaching Pricing

Vocation Survey
Personality Test
Regular Jump
Start Session
Premium Jump
Start Session
Jackson Vocation
Interest Survey
and Report
Advanced Personality
Career Test & Report
1 Hour Career
Jump Start Session

Resume Critique
($65 value)

Two 15-Minute
Phone Sessions
($100 value)

Regular Price



Special Price



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valid for this page)


(This special is only
valid for this page)
Payment Options

Additional Benefits of Our Career Coaching Sessions

100% objective career direction and advice
100% confidential
High powered, intuitive advice and insight you won't find anywhere else
No risk of backlash from your company or your family
Your satisfaction is guaranteed!