Stay Good with Anger

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion.

Like all of our emotions, there's nothing wrong with it in and of itself. It's our human response to something that occurs, or at least to our perception of the problem.

In fact, some anger is good; we should get angry when we see some injustice or when someone is trying to violate our personal property lines. In such cases, our anger is what motivates us to take appropriate action.

But after anger motivates us to do something good, we can't afford to let it linger inside us. We have to get it out.

Anger is a good emotion when it gets us moving, but if we let it take root, we set ourselves up for a great deal of potential harm.

Do I Have An Anger Problem? I don't know. But some people think I do.

Lets find out! Do this short screening test to help determine if you should seek help (diagnosis and treatment) for anger problems.

So, What Does the Test Say? You mean you actually have a problem? Ah, don't worry. It could be worse.

What Do I Do Next?

  1. Learn the right life skills to manage the anger emotion. Everyone can learn these skills. The same as everyone can learn to read or learn to play their favorite sport. As we learn and practice the skills, we become better at whatever we do.
  2. Hire a life-coach to help perfect the skills. The same as you would hire a coach to help perfect your soccer skills.
  3. Buy a manual or a workbook to help guide your training. It's almost impossible to learn or perfect a skill without good guidance.

    *Or, better yet, call (905) 944-1711 or email me and make an appointment. I look forward to meeting you!

So, What Do You Think? Go ahead and give it a try!

Recommended Resources:

The Anger Control WorkBook is simple. It is one of the best hands-on tools, filled with practical and innovative
techniques for managing your anger and coaches
you to develop healthier ways to relating.

Score: 5 Star

I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Mad
40 Simple, fun activities to teach kids to:
Understand what makes them angry
Control their frustration
Talk about what bothers them.

Score: 5 Star

5 Steps to Stay Good with Anger

Defusing Your Partner

Helping Your Partner Defuse You

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